Employee of The Month, is a game that was initially developed by the team when they were competing at the Brains Eden games jam during the summer – and it was selected as one of the jam’s top five games. Brains Eden is the biggest Student Game Jam in Europe. It was challenging as the Game Jam Theme was "Give and Take". But we are proud of what we have done. The game has been warmly received by gamers and pros at UK games expos – including the UK’s biggest games event, EGX, and Play Expo Manchester. We did collected tons of feedback and now we're working on publishing a final version! Here's a quick brief: The game sees players compete to paint as much of an office as possible in their individual colours – but if one of them is holding their boss – a baby – then their ability to paint is disabled, until they pass the boss to another player. One of the programmers said:
“The reaction to the game has been really positive. It’s such a great feeling to watch gamers you’ve never met before pick up a controller and start playing something you have created, and enjoy it so much. We’ve been thrilled with the reaction.”
Art Direction, Environment, Game UI was created/contributed was my creation with the help of my wonderful team-mates